
Dr. Jacono review

Facial Plastic Surgeon

Facelift surgery, often considered the art of turning back the clock, has evolved into a realm of diverse techniques, each tailored to address specific aging concerns and individual preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of facelift surgery and explore the various techniques available. Understanding these options lets you discover which facelift procedure aligns with your unique needs and beauty goals.

Traditional Facelift (SMAS Facelift)

The traditional facelift, known as the SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System), remains the cornerstone of facial rejuvenation. It comprehensively addresses multiple signs of aging, including sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and muscle laxity. During this procedure, incisions are made along the hairline, behind the ears, and sometimes under the chin. The surgeon then lifts and repositions the underlying tissues while removing excess skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance. The traditional facelift is ideal for individuals with significant facial aging.

Mini Facelift

The mini facelift, often called a "weekend facelift" or "S-lift," is a less invasive option for those with mild to moderate signs of aging. It involves smaller incisions than a traditional facelift and primarily targets the lower face and jawline. During a mini facelift, the surgeon tightens the SMAS layer and removes excess skin, providing a refreshed look. This procedure is famous for its shorter recovery time and is suitable for those looking to address early signs of aging.


The mid-facelift focuses on rejuvenating the mid-face area, including the cheeks and under-eye region. It is an excellent choice for individuals experiencing sagging cheeks, hollowed under-eye areas, and nasolabial folds. The surgeon typically makes incisions near the lower eyelid or inside the mouth to access and lift sagging tissues in the mid-face. This procedure can restore a youthful contour to the cheeks and enhance overall facial harmony.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift is a highly specialized technique involving the lifting and repositioning deep facial tissues, including the SMAS, to achieve a more dramatic and long-lasting result. It is particularly effective in addressing severe sagging and jowls. This technique requires a surgeon with advanced expertise, as it involves a deeper tissue manipulation than a traditional facelift. The incisions are similar to a traditional facelift, but the deep plane approach offers superior results for suitable candidates.

Thread Lift (Non-Surgical Facelift)

A thread lift may be a suitable option for those seeking a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift. This minimally invasive procedure involves the insertion of dissolvable sutures with tiny barbs under the skin. The threads are then gently lifted, repositioning sagging tissue and stimulating collagen production. While a thread lift provides immediate results with minimal downtime, it is typically suitable for individuals with mild to moderate sagging. It may not produce results as long-lasting as surgical facelifts.

Liquid Facelift

A liquid facelift, a non-surgical facelift, utilizes injectable dermal fillers and neuromodulators (such as Botox) to restore volume, soften wrinkles, and enhance facial harmony. While it does not provide the same level of tissue repositioning as a surgical facelift, it can be an excellent option for rejuvenating one's appearance without surgery. Results are temporary and require periodic maintenance, typically every 6 to 12 months.

Neck Lift

Often performed with facelift procedures, a neck lift explicitly targets signs of aging in the neck area. It addresses sagging skin, excess fat, and prominent neck bands (platysma muscles). The surgeon creates incisions behind the ears or under the chin to access and tighten the neck tissues. A neck lift can result in a smoother, more youthful neck contour and complements the results of a facelift.

Revision Facelift

In some cases, individuals who have previously undergone facelift surgery may require a revision facelift to correct or refine the results of their initial procedure. Revision facelifts are customized to address specific issues, such as asymmetry, scarring, or inadequate lifting achieved in previous surgeries. These procedures demand a thorough evaluation by an experienced surgeon to determine the most suitable approach for correction.

Non-Surgical Maintenance Options

After undergoing a facelift, it is essential to consider non-surgical maintenance options to extend the results. These can include injectable treatments like dermal fillers and Botox, a diligent skincare regimen, sun protection, and a healthy lifestyle.

Facelift surgery offers various techniques to address diverse aging concerns and individual preferences. Choosing the proper facelift procedure depends on factors such as the extent of aging, desired results, recovery time, and budget. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial, as they can assess your unique needs and recommend the most suitable type of facelift to help you achieve your desired youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

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